Darling billboards ‘extend’ brand reach and engagement

In one of the best ‘fits’ you’ll see in the out of home space, the leaders in African hair extensions have applied a similar principle to their OOH advertising and partnered with Outdoor Network to roll out a memorable national campaign across some key sites in South Africa.

Darling Hair is South Africa’s leading manufacturer and distributor of ethnic hair extensions, and has built a reputation as an innovator in its space, laying the foundation for a similar approach to its OOH campaign, which has seen it take several billboard sites in Tshwane, Cape Town and KwaZulu-Natal over a five-month period.

The campaign objective is to raise awareness while maximising reach for the Darling product range and the brand has opted for an approach to its creative that takes advantage of inherent design benefits the platform offers – billboard extensions.

 “Darling may be a first-time advertiser with Outdoor Network, but they have applied best-in-class use of design for out of home, with a strong graphic highlighting the product proposition and effective copy with a clear brand take-out,” says Warren Dugmore, Outdoor Network’s Head of Sales: Billboards. “It’s also eye-catching and memorable, and guaranteed to improve recall of the brand in question.”

Embellishments and extensions are the props that extend outside the rectangular confines of the display, bringing life to a standard printed advert, and are a unique benefit to help adverts stand out. They create visual impact and gain attention.

Extensions draw the attention of consumers and improve recall, but can also complement search and social media, which is what Darling has implemented with its campaign.

The billboard is interesting, unique and grabs the attention, whilst there’s also a call to action for engagement with the consumer to #FindYourBeautiful, further driving brand engagement beyond the Out of Home environment and into the digital realm.

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