Outdoor Network ranked among Top 500 Best Managed Companies in SA

Top 500 Best Managed Companies has identified Outdoor Network as rivaling the largest companies in its outdoor media category, falling under the cyclical services sector.

Until the final ranking positions are announced by Top 500 in November, it is heralded as one of the Top 5 contenders in the category.

Over 20 000 organisations across 100 sectors have been researched by Top 500 and assessed within the spheres of financial performance, people and policies. Measurement is transparent with 13 scoring indices.

The analysis and ranking is carried out in partnership with University of Cape Town’s Development Policy Research Unit who set up rigorous criteria. Topco’s Research Department monitors the process and the results are compiled into lists of the top five performing organisations in 100 sectors.


Outdoor Network’s performance against a group of empowerment-related criteria contributed to their ranking within the Top 5, as did their policies performance, comprised of three measures; namely CSI expenditure, written company policies and company accreditations.

“Considering that thousands of companies, both listed and unlisted, are reviewed against stringent criteria, this is a good reflection of our status as an innovative, dynamic and growing media owner whose years of shared knowledge benefit the industry at large. Our leadership will become even more evident in the next year as we launch our digital strategy and gantry network,” says Bill Basson, CEO of Outdoor Network; concluding: “It is further reason for South Africa’s foremost marketers to proudly partner with us.”

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